Which of these characters would you kill if you had to?

93 votes

105 votes

77 votes

83 votes


Erik Diaz PaganWow who are the lunatics who picked the baby

kiss menot the baby nor rick u idiots for one Rick is the leader soo no stop saying u rather rick would die and 4 2 u would want a fucking baby to die??!!!

Melindanot the bab

shantiNOO not the baby

💀MarilynManson💀What?! Judith?! What'd she ever do?!

SkyeRick should die. He's an asshat. He's doing about as good a job raising Carl as Lorie did.

ClareBye bye Maggie

No@Skye ur an idiot lori was a bitch just like u

Aliyah@Bikki that was so rude and unnecessary

......rick, he is such an asshole and let his son get a cold murder I love Glenn <3 judith is just a baby...and glenn loves maddie, so theres only rick left...

Shantioh hell naw u picked all my favorite characters

⭐️HannahBaggins⭐️Lot of baby killers... but this was hard to decide on

Keely UmbergerI mean juthith

Keely Umbergernever Maggie


💋✌🏻️Beautina💋✌🏻️idk but my stomach enzymes would kill Carl's sperm cells

