If you got asked a weird question what would you reply back and what was the question?

38 votes

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109 votes


Brodiemine was wanna get naked

User 641673Jesus Christ Brodie you are a bitch or gay wtf do you think you reply back you send a nude if it's a girl and if its a guy then that's gay and don't respond but if your a fag and enjoy dicks than send him a nude you punk bitch

Brodielol it was a girl

BrodieCan u reply what the question says

1Disamazing!@User 641673 jeez seriously you don't have to explode on him fuck off! No one wants you commenting on their questions and just in case your wondering.....no you can not rape me

User 641673ok

Brodie@1Disamazing! Thanks for stick up 4 me

1Disamazing!@Brodie np anytime!

BrodieI'm 13 you?

User 641673lol look at this guy

1Disamazing!@User 641673 ok seriously don't you understand the two simple words called FUCK OFF? Obviously you don't bcz u keep coming back for more. Well how about this? Next time....DONT COME BACK! Again.....need I say it every time FUCK OFF! LEAVE @Brodie ALONE!

Brodie@1Disamazing! Omg once again the faggot is back well once again 1Disamazing you are the best for sticking up for me!!

1Disamazing!@Brodie once again no problem! This guy gives me all sorts of trouble so I'm glad to help!

BrodieYeah he's fucking annoying

1Disamazing!@Brodie yep

BrodieHow'd u make that anime thing??
