Hi everyone I'm new

6 votes

36 votes


User 641673you are also fake as fuck that ain't you bitch

CaliforniaDiva16@User 641673 is an ass hole girl. Just ignore

👑ERICKAH👑Thanks I'm not fake

User 641673@calicunt you are retarded there are several girls who where fake tha had the same pic as her so stfu cause she is fake

👑ERICKAH👑No I'm not

ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛ@User 641673 leave her the fuck alone! She is real! At least she has the fucking nerve to put a pic up of her! You don't!

👑ERICKAH👑Thx for defending me and I am real

ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛ@Ericka you are welcome! It's what friends do!

👑ERICKAH👑Thanks ur so nice

CaliforniaDiva16@Ericka @User 641673 is a piece of shit hoo is racist & sexous! Pay him no attention. I believe ur not fake.

👑ERICKAH👑Thank you I'm not and he is the stupid thing is I've done nothing to him

CaliforniaDiva16totes. He hates on everybody

User 641673@Calicunt you stupid cunt the bitch is fake you are retarded look up Ira Vampira and you will see the bitch is fake