what do you think of me? :*

34 votes

91 votes

none of the above.
280 votes

200 votes


Edyth killshot

his_chick! @Edyth kills thank you.

name Always the boobs the boobs r alway show its just plain wrong all well i guess she can show wat eva she wants to sho

name Always the boobs the boobs r alway show its just plain wrong all well i guess she can show wat eva she wants to sho

Pink cupcake02ur pretty

chestnut25Why do teens today need to shove their boobs in everyone's faces? & why are you doing that with your lips? UGLY! Wear less makeup too... Natural beauty is better. Too much eyeliner.... You look like a scumbag, and I bet you actually are.

lexi@chestnut25 lol ikr

Angieto much eyeliner, weird facial expression... Need I go on?

Half-Blood Princesswhy do you feel the need to show everyone your breast??? Can't a teenage girl wear a shirt that covers at all???

LolitaThank you clove it's just wrong to show off your chest to every body and what ever happened to faces being pretty