Inspiring quote...

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68 votes


ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛdon't say the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon. ( sorry I commented so quick, I just checked my feed. Sorry.)

Wrongonetomesswith@ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛ it's okay. I'm just glad it's you and not some creepy stalker.

ɬɧɛ ƈɧơʂɛŋ ơŋɛ@Rebellious lol ok, I do that a lot. Sometimes I hold off and try not to comment so quickly but sometimes I check my feed but since we are friends, I knew you wouldn't mind. 😊

xxkittensrulexxNo u don't u live more then once well ur soul does but that's pretty much ur self


NatalieI think people live more than once
