How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

18 votes

As much as he wants
10 votes

I don't have time for this
7 votes

A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck
29 votes


Itay Ohana i think you are gay..

Itay Ohana silence means agreement you know..

Shai ElroyEven your momma thinks your gay

Shai Elroyshe told me while I was fucking her yesterday

Itay Ohana're

Shai ElroyWhat's 2?

Itay Ohana 2. Your mom has such a huge ass when she sits down she gets taller by a foot

Shai Elroy1) it's not you're. You're an idiot

Shai Elroy2) when I'm done with your momma she can't even sit down.

Itay Ohana It is you're!!! you are gay not your gay

Shai ElroyStop screaming at me!

Itay Ohana ok 😔

benglen21A woodchuck would chuck all the wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood.