How do you become more organized?

Use an organizer
59 votes

Prioritize your tasks
98 votes

Devote real time to planning
76 votes

You are either born organized, or not
101 votes


🔥💥FIYA ASS SNOWBUNNY COMIN' THRU THIS BITCH!!!! IF YA AIN'T RUNNIN WIFF US, RUN FROM US MAFUKKAZZZ!!!!!!🔥💥Do something as soon as you think of it, have a spot for everything, keep everything in its spot, don't be lazy.

Blairkeep your ideas and house clean and make sure you don't get lazy

ChristiannaMarieorganizers are cheap to hire get them to figure it out for me

nuff.i'm a born chaot! but it is a chance, because you have to plan and set priorities more concious. ergo--> you do less mistakes, it's just practicing and finding out which method works for you best. but: if you aren't a superbornorganista, try to find a job where this isn't 1st priority. can tellya... 🙈