πŸ˜„Rate these girls In hotness!😊

177 votes

292 votes

Totally hotness!😏
52 votes

Love ya!😍
23 votes


BecblueThe one on the left reminds me of a boy in year six at my school.

πŸ’šπŸ‘—βœŒJadeβœŒπŸ‘—πŸ’šhaha the one on the right reminds me of a boy a year older than me at my school

Dat boi popplioNot hot. Maybe pretty but not hot.

JasmineTake a seat u guys r pretty not hot

Renee21πŸ’‹I think you are pretty but you aren't hot.

sophiabarzanjiPlease reply me to my email address so that i will introduce about me to you with my details and with some of my pictures (sophiabar302@gmail.com)