U like?

So funny
8 votes

I don't get it
39 votes

38 votes

47 votes


Liviehey don't copy me

KayahCrazyif you don't get it belle is saying who dug the most and Ariel did because she can't swim like she can in the moat in a tiny bathtub and Merida got mad because she is all wet from the moat

JaxxI wasn't @chatster

KayahCrazy@Gail pocket princesses are her thing in case you didn't know


Jaxxbut she doesn't own the idea

KayahCrazy@Gail I know I'm just sayin she does that what you say after that is up to you I'm just sayin not tryin to be mean or rude

🎀👑GymnasticsQueen👑🎀I don't like when ppl post those
