Hey, guys!!!!!! Any of you have any idea what I should wear tomorrow???? Please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LilyDepends on where you go, if you go to school wear something casual like jeans and a t shirt. If you are going somewhere festive, like a party you should wear a nice colorful shirt, a skirt, and shoes with some glitter (but not too much glitter).

Kaitlyn@Lily Thank you! Good ideas!

Victoria@Kaitlyn are you going to school?

DuckDivayou should wear a sweater dress and tights plus boots

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔Sweater, jeans, socks, and sneakers?

Kaitlyn@DuckDiva, thank you! :)

Kaitlyn@♡QuoteGirl♡ Thank you, too! You guys have great ideas! Now I know what I'm going to wear this week!

j_dawgGrey jeans+graphic crop top

bellacrop top with skinny jeans and black converse

fashiondesigner101A mint green dress with a white cardigan, and a pair of black kitten heels

HollywoodFashionistaIt depends like lily said if you are going to school wear a cute crop top and with jeans (if its hot wear shorts) But if it is cold you can wear a Cute sweater and so comfortable leggings or jeggings.Or if you are going to a party or you are going somewhere special maybe wear a sparkly or a " you kind of pretty dress" So that is my opinions

HollywoodFashionista*some* sorry

Penguin_GirlieWear a dress