Btw I won't be on here next week because I'm going on vacation and I'm not taking my i pad

169 votes

Ok hope you have fun
405 votes


I'd_rather_be_sleepingWhere ya going!? Grounded? Yeah we know

FIESTYKITTYyou should take your iPad to take pics of cool things

Katyum wow?

alaynaI thought your mom was dead

smileyface😊😍@User 798202 what does that have to do with anything?

Ethan@User 798202 lol

🎁мєяяу ¢няιѕтмαѕ🎁no one cares

siennawhy would you go on vacation when your mom just died

PrettylittleliarsfanCool hope u have fun!!!!

AriDid ur mom really die?


minioncandylover@Ari why would she die

Shreya💋😽we're u going