Abuse or Defense: Is it alright to hit a woman?

If she's out of her mind, I might slap her to put her in check.
6 votes

I'd hit a woman whether she hits me or not.
2 votes

Only if she hits you first. (Self defense)
25 votes

Of course it is not okay to hit a woman!/Jail? No thank you.
19 votes


🎩Banter🎩53% of domestic abuse victims are male in the US i think. 75% of unprovoked domestic violence is initiated by the female. If a man calls the police to report domestic abuse from the female there is a 40% chance he'll get arrested


🎩Banter🎩just saying

CalvnKleinHmmm I sense a little bit of gender bias here, most likely instilled by societal tradition. But do people think its less acceptable for a man to hit a woman in self defense than for a woman to hit a man in self defense??

🎩Banter🎩@CalvnKlein that is sexist

CalvnKlein@🎩Llew🎩, What is sexist? I'm asking a question. I really wanna know what people think.

🎩Banter🎩oh sorry i mis-read, i thought u said u think but u said people think. Sorry

CalvnKlein@🎩Llew🎩, No problem! 😄

NotoriousObviously if a man hits a woman everyone flips their hats in disbelief. That is because men, whether we like it or not, have always been seen as the protector. They protect the woman.

🎩Banter🎩double standards piss me off

NotoriousLet's go back to caveman times. Men were hunters. Strong and fierce and ran everything. Protected their families. Woman took care of home and gathered and cared for children. Organizers.

NotoriousI mean.. A bit has changed since then, eh? But don't we have those same views in a sense? Will it always be like this? I think not. But that is something that I see and I even think.

🎩Banter🎩i understand the rules of society and what is expected of society, it still pisses me off though

NotoriousOf course, everyone will have their different opinions and views. But I certainly am not saying that a woman has the right to put their hands on a man for any reason. Vice versa. And since women want equality, I think they should take getting hit back. An eye for an eye.

Notorious"You can never make everyone happy." Society Quote.

Ih8mylifeyeah if shes some psycho wack job