Time: How long does it take you to get through a book? This includes with/without a busy schedule. Btw, my small library

Free:Takes me a few hours/About a week
11 votes

Busy: Takes me 1+ days
5 votes

Free: Takes me 1+ days
4 votes

Busy: Takes me about a week
7 votes


Sarah(FAM/PMS)I read quickly. Btw, you have some good reading choices: Poe, Da Vinci, Anne Frank. 👍

Notorious@Sarah Thank you.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@AnonymousToAnExtent You're welcome! I'm so glad that you're back!!!😊👍🏼

NotoriousI had lost the device I used to get on here. It is back. And I am glad that I am back. :-)

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@AnonymousToAnExtent That's wonderful!