Worst picture of torture

16 votes

13 votes

106 votes

177 votes


Rascal&SnickersAwwwwwwwww poor doggy to much animal cruelty these days people who abuse animals are stupid bitches god damn never abuse animals

CalvnKleinThe first picture sent shivers down my spine and made me teary-eyed 😰 Such cruelty! Poor dog!

Thephotographer@Rascal&Snickers I fucking agree

NatalieWho does that to their dog?! 😰😨

Thephotographer@Natalie sick human beings

emilyomg my stupid uncle has this doggy thing.. 😱😭 he uses it for his dog.. And his dog is really young!!!😭

YouAreLOVED<3OMG if I knew the person who did that to a poor little dog , I'd kill him/her