Do you prefer......

French girls
19 votes

English girls
46 votes


Mollywhy u a lezz?

McKenna-Mai Smithwhy does it matter!?

GuiLépineI prefer both ^_^ im french canadian so its all good :) haha

McKenna-Mai Smith@GuyLépine#28 haha

GuiLépine@Jane.lynch.forever!! :P

Mollyhah! I bet you are a lez! Hahhhh

McKenna-Mai Smith@Molly does it matter to you what my sexuality is?! What is your problem with lesbians!? Hey!!

M_Hassenohh, I get why nobody can stand Molly now

McKenna-Mai Smith@M_Hassen hahaha

GuiLépine@Molly and? Does it matter if she is?