Perfect bday party is..

Huge party
350 votes

Laser tag/spacewalk
147 votes

288 votes

Movies with friends
263 votes


DancerGurli am such a boy but I loooooove laser tag!

Vlad PlasmiusLaser tag woot!!!! Girls can like laser tag ya know

Kenzie;)Flashlight tag/jailbreak/ block party, in the middle of the night!!

πŸ˜† Lol πŸ˜†i prefer just going out with a couple of friends and go play laser tag or go to the movies and have a great time

Rebecca Hartley <3Laser tag, then HUGE PARTY then sleepover :p

NiallLOVERgo out with your friends and do some stuff

nikolaiΓΆ_ΓΆ laser tag!!

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘‡, πŸ‘Œ? βœŒοΈπŸ‘‹Laser tag is so fun

MosnarGetting drunk off of vodka.