How old is he??

93 votes

41 votes

156 votes

157 votes


AnnaHow old is he really and r u the real china!!??

China Anne McClain yes

China Anne McClain Lots of people are getting it wrong

China Anne McClain Y don't people comment

China Anne McClain come on someone pls comment

AnnaI don't hav any proof that ur china tho!

Scarlet Is that really you , that is not china.. Its a huge fan, anyway.. U said that boy was your brother in some pics and your black.. Hes white, no afence .. Your just lonely and upset ... So get over youself and move on in your life and stay true to yourself cause NO ONE beleives that u are China

China Anne McClain I will not answer questions unless it involves the question I asked

mollie xx6?? i pressed 4 but he look a bit older

China Anne McClain oh ok

Abigail D@IHATEBACON😝😝😝 true dude, she's this girl from my school, I know it's u Erica !!

China Anne McClain 😐

Abigail Dsee, speechless right ?

M_Hassen@China Anne McClain haha

L-O-L--NOT.@Abigail D, haha! "China" u just got SCREWEDDD

Jelenator3000@China Anne McClain WOW!!! I'm disappointed that its not you " China" or shall I say Erica!!!!!

Tarjahow old is he

$$$$$Are you the REAL china if you are I love your show ant farm your my fave person


jade@$$$$$ don't believe it....I did too...she's just this sad lil girl who wants to b Blak (which, if I do say so myself, I don't blame her for wanting to b)

$$$$$Are you the REAL china if you are I love your show ant farm your my fave person


jade@$$$$$ don't believe it....I did too...she's just this sad lil girl who wants to b Blak (which, if I do say so myself, I don't blame her for wanting to b)

heart@L-O-L--NOT. Your really mean

Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xXWHO. THE. FLYING. FUCK. IS. CHINA. ANN. MC-FUCKING. CLAIN??!!!.

Countrychick12why don't u look her up she's on a show and china if ur name is Erica I like both names either way