In your group of friends, you are...

The popular one
106 votes

The outcast
71 votes

The ignorant one
26 votes

The funny one
184 votes


SofiaIm always left out😢. I dont even really think i have friends anymore.

Highqualitydirt@Sofia, awwww, i will be your friend

Drama Queen✌@Highqualitydirt Lol

Drama Queen✌I'm the funny 1 & the ignorant 1

VictoryI don't know ha

Drak attack haha ;)

Dorii'm the one who ppl can talk to about anything

Ohsnapitzashleait's really hard having 2 groups of friends because one always wants to play with you and then the other group always wants to play with you 😒

Angell👼❤I have no friends! if I want them, i want the funniest and most popular are......

nugget_babyim the funny popular friend u can always talk to and tell anything who everyone knows and can trust. Im the same in all 12 groups of friends and i accept every1

Sofia@Highqualitydirt thanks💕

anistenI really don't know...but now that I think about it the funny,nice,caring one & smart...haha😉

bella@nugget_baby im exactly the same

bookwormsmartest one