I have left my iPod at my friends house I told her not to go on it she has sent my friend loads of messages and pictures of my iPod,what shall I do?

Omg she's Sutch a retArd!
38 votes

Omg that's so funny' hahahaha
45 votes

Not be her friend!she is a bitch
78 votes

You should call the police
12 votes


Me😜Hi mol u seem very angry about it in the pic

Me😜And how dare she text me

MollyLol hah the pic :) and I kno liv she took my iPod and started textin Jon iMessage she's Sutch a gay lord

GuiLépineLOL nice pic. NOT!

Mollythis is my reli old iPad

MimiroxSet a pass code

Mrs Natasha McCarthydidn't realise you could text on an iPod?!! New invention :S hahah no!!

mollhxrstNatasha you dick! You can iMessage people you dumb ass dirty scum bag