I don't know what to wear to a middle school choir concert (I'm in the concert) oh and it has to be all black

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137 votes


✌🏻Jessica_the_Otaku✌🏻️Maybe where a black skirt and shirt with black flats or boots. That's what the girls at my school have to where when in their band concerts.

SierraWear a black skirt, a black tank top, a black blazer over the tank, and with black fats or boots.

_liivithank you!! @Sierra and @Jessica

Briewear a black skirt black sweater and black heels

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I wear black pants (a skirt may be a bad idea if you play the cello or is short because you don't want people to see up it) and a lace-y white blouse over a tank. Also I wear black flats.

Sierraidk. My teacher gives us the dresses

Cheerbow28🎀just wear that no one will judge