Best drug?

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Jillwhat's wrong with you?

Not Your Average CalvinThere is a special drug called life. You should try it sometime!

noe@Jill why?

noe@Nutty The Freak I've tried it but don't like it that much.

Jilldrugs are bad idiot

👊Duchessjohanna👊Dependency on drugs is nothing funny and you shouldn't be asking a question such as this.

noe@Jill weed isn't. And it's all a choice. I mean I don't influence anybody with it.

noe@👊Duchessjohanna👊 I never said it is funny, because a know have serious it is. Besides, I don't push anyone to do it. I just wanna discuss with people, so why would the question be inapropriate?

JillI hope you go to jail or die

👊Duchessjohanna👊@noe because it makes the assumption that people have done these drugs. Also, there's a lot of younger children oh this app. They don't know how dangerous heroin is. So when you put it in a question labeled "best drug," they're going to assume it's good or something.

noe@👊Duchessjohanna👊 yeah I understand what you mean. Maybe I should formulate it differently next time.

noe@Jill everybody will die eventually. And besides, in what way did I offend you here? Why are you trying to piss me off I fucking didn't do anything to you, so why the fuck do you want me to die?