Why does everyone act like sex is shameful/embarrassing? Practically everyone does it at some point; it's natural.

2 votes

Because they were brought up by socially conservative folks
20 votes

Because sex is bad 😱
13 votes

I have no idea
21 votes


🎩Banter🎩i think its mainly girls who act like its a shameful thing

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑People look at you like you're nuts if you bring it up and it's just like dude, calm your tits

🎩Banter🎩my motto is "Fuck dem hoes"

🎩Banter🎩ahaha jokes thats not it

🎩Banter🎩its actually "two in the pink one in the stink"

🎩Banter🎩ahahah jokes again

🎩Banter🎩this is great banter

EthanFuck Bitches Get Money is what I live by

SakanaruPink Tacos are amazeballz😝

🎩Banter🎩"With protection, no conception" Thats one i made up btw

🎩Banter🎩"No glove, no love"

🎩Banter🎩"Three no's make a yes"

🎩Banter🎩"Its not gay if its in a three-way"

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑hahaha what the hell

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑why did people actually choose the blue box?! 😒

Ethan@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 That's what I picked lol

Ethan@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 sex is bad, mmkay?

🎩Banter🎩cause they are childish

Sakanaru@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 The super religious ones😂

maya:DThats what im saying man!!! I like dick. No shame. I masturbate when im lonley. No shame!!!!! I am HUMAN!!! And u do it to dont even bother arguing! Haha

Lonesomeghostsit's a good thing, without it we would never exist if they think is bad they won't do it and there family will make it unless they live FOREVER

justcuriousBecause back in the Stone Age males didn't want females they'd had sex with to have sex with any other men so that only their genes would be passed on. Over the years as we all got more intelligent supposedly justifiable reasons were made to keep women's sexual exclusivity, e.g. marriage and being 'faithful' and women were always more severely punished than men for being unfaithful. Sex became a 'private' thing to reinforce the exclusivity and this eventually resulted in the sexually repressed screwed up world we are living in today.

SakanaruUmm how do you know👆😖😄😂

🎩Banter🎩@PrincessTingTong(Sak) she's 14 😂

justcurious^.^ You don't need to be an adult to learn about ancient history...

justcuriousJust an education, really.

🎩Banter🎩I know

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@justcurious I was not expecting such an in depth answer hahaha 👏

justcurious@👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑 Heh I know it's long I was bored on an aeroplane ☺️

Cr7@justcurious same 👍

👑MirandaKnowsWhat'sUp👑@Cr7 Oh hey, you! You sent me a message and I just wanna say sorry but I can't reply because it crashes my iPad whenever I try to send a pm.

SakanaruA heavily religious person: "Sex is a sin you're going to hell!" A Church of Satan worshipper: "Well if thats the case how the Hell were you born? 😂

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I think it's more like sex is a very intimate thing, and although it is fine to talk about, it is still a more private matter.

GerberBaby@🏈Sakanaru🏈 Well put my friend 😂

ASex is powerful, and it's in the interests of the powers that be (like the church) to try to control what's powerful, or use it in some way. Also some of the reasons sex is powerful are because it can create new life and brings the risk of life-threatening disease, so fear grew around it over millennia.

AImagine you were a young female in the time of plague, with your community starving and sick around you. If you had sex or were raped, you could potentially not only die yourself (childbirth was dangerous in the past) but bring another person into the world who would likely starve or suffer.

ABirth control and medicine changed *everything*, but this is the way we lived for most of our history. This is part of what set our culture up the way it did.

AWe also have some very Calvinist, anti-pleasure roots in the US in particular.. Women having pleasure and freedom especially was very threatening to the culture's power structure at one point. There are lots of great resources, books, etc., on this topic out there.

RandomManBillWhy would sex be embarrassing? People do it ALL the time! Literally!

MYsoul-isblack-without-uwho says