If you had a magic wand, what would you do with it?

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25 votes


♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔I would have all kinds of magic and powers with that wand!

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑Get every single power! (Even to kill and bring people back to life!)

🎩Banter🎩I believe the correct term to what i would do is, "to fuck shit up"

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@🎩Llew🎩 😂😂

SakanaruWear Professor Snape clothes & do magic & junk

EthanI would finally get that itch on my back

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔@Ethan lol!

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔@MonkeyPoo cool. 😃

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@Ethan lol
