What kind of drugs have u tried?

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🎩Banter🎩paracetamol, mucron, calpol etc etc

SakanaruI tried weed thats it. When you watch TV the commercials lasts forever & the Cartoons wow! Just wow!😳

maya:D@MonkeyPoo hhahahha

CalvnKleinAhem, say no to drugs! 😤😷🙊

maya:D@CalvnKlein its people like u that frusturate me

SakanaruI'm no pot head just an occasional smoker

CalvnKlein@CalvnKlein, What frustrated you?? People like me? Oh please, tell me what type of person I am. Enlighten me!

EthanDrugs are bad, mmkay?

CalvnKlein@maya:D, What frustrated you?? People like me? Oh please, tell me what type of person I am. Enlighten me!

CalvnKlein@QueenEthan💁, QueenEthan??? Hahaha 😆 I love your new username. Its hilarious!

Ethan@CalvnKlein thanks

maya:DU mad bro?

🎩Banter🎩well drugs are bad and u shouldn't do them unless it's for medicinal reasons

Sakanaru@maya:D 😝