Should they legalize weed

Hell no
74 votes

69 votes

Hell yea
174 votes

210 votes


Claire I didn't mean to click that!!!

Nayafor those of you who said no ur pretty stupid

Rashardi no right.

guyi ain't payin takes to keep them in jail for weed

guyi ain't payin takes to keep them in jail for weed

Heather@Naya how are we stupid? Because we're not crackheads like you? Yes weed is harmless but after a while people get bored using the same drug so it leads them to trying other drugs to get a rush and id rather not be a druggie like you

DeadBatAll my friends do weed other than me and were only in grade 8!! People are idiots these days.

heyyy@Naya WE STUPID?? Wake up. Weed is really bad for you and I should only take it if it is medicinal, don't ruin ur life

JadeI know 3 11 year old who smoke week... WHAT?!!?

ABSOLUTELY NO@Heather ur SO smart! That's exactly right! I started smoking weed when I was 14, and pretty soon I was messin with EVERYTHING! I do agree weeds not a bad drug. Some ppl smoke weed & never go any further than that. But for ALOT of ppl, it is a gateway drug. Crackheads don't just go strait to crack. Once you hang with weed heads, here comes someone that smokes weed & snorts coke, and so on & so forth.... Weed should be used for medicinal relief, like cancer. Recreational use is dangerous because not everyone will stop at just weed, TRUST ME, I KNOW!

Heather@THAT COCKY BITCH MINDY thanks and I'm glad you stopped

You see I gave a fuck once.. Now what is life when no one wants to try. But weed is still safer than alcohol and cigarettes.

Fig_dat_chuloNO , I love weed 💚
