Ain't I just

20 votes

47 votes

16 votes

76 votes



EmilyYou probably say that because your profile is a picture of a dog๐Ÿ˜Š

Emilyand u r jealous

Jill@Emily I'm not jealous I'm pretty unlike you or her asshole

Jill@Emily your a loser you probably have sex with your dad๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Emilywat do u look like? And how old r u?


Emilywell how do you know what her asshole looks like are you lesi or something


JillI didn't mean it like that

Emilyya wat do u look like

JillI ment it like I'm pretty unlike you or her. Then I called you a asshole

Emilyand how old r u

JillI'm actually 10


EmilyI'm 17


EmilyUsually 10 year olds don't know that kind of stuff. As in sec

Emilyi mean sex

Emilyu can't call me an asshole if u don't know me

Jillwe'll you sure sound like one๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

EmilyYou r only 10

Jillyeah so


Jillyour really ugly my eyes are bleeding

Emilywat do u look like

Jillnot telling you

Emilywhy not?

๐Ÿ‘‘ERICKAH๐Ÿ‘‘You are ''naughty'' becuase you are like 10!!! Get the hell off this crowd!

LToo young for this crowd !

SwaggerificjjNone. You're a little kid.

Ponytail626Everyone just shut up I am 19 and who cares how old they are this is very disgusting on some questions if they see it then they are probably just get of of this crowd

ThephotographerUmmm let's say FUCKING KID GET OFF MOTHER FUCKER