Do you think I could pull this off?

87 votes

Yes, in public
4 votes

Yes, at school
26 votes

Yes, anywhere
108 votes


Sarah(FAM/PMS)Yeah, it's a nice and relaxed outfit.

Athose shoes with those pants are really odd to me... the pants don't really come off as capris, just that the are too short. replace the pants w some black leggings and add a hoodie or other accessories, and SOCKS, and you have a much stronger outfit. I wouldn't wear this out, personally...


Sierradefinitely not the pants because their r ugly on anybody but the shirt is cute. U should replace the pants with leggings or white jeans and then replace those work shoes with high brown boots. And totally where some gold accessories cause the outfit is a little plain. Wear natural makeup ( cream eyeshadow, light mascara, clear or light pink gloss, and a bit of foundation and blush. ) and a cute hairstyle like a high pony and u will great wearing this anywhere!

i💖hamstersMaybe you would wear it but not me😋😂😂

Mel.Merc@Gabi same

Sierraa cute black blazer with what I said up there would be cute to