Isn't the guy a idiot who shot kids in Newtown, Connecticut

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Meatball453that guys lucky he shot himself he would've been in a mixture of a prison and mental home for life

Naomi im sorry about my language but i fucken hate that asshole

Highqualitydirt@Naomi, why, have you met him

Jasmineit's terrible what he did but that just goes to show how people's actions toward others could affect them in ways some of us don't understand

Jasmineit's terrible what he did but that just goes to show how people's actions toward others could affect them in ways some of us don't understand

tyleryou are all right except for highqualitydirt who should shut there freakin' mouth

Highqualitydirt@tyler, why? For all you know he could have been a really nice guy who only did what he did because of psychological stress

tyler@highqualitydirt I guess but you know his mom probably encouraged him because she had a gun

Cedriches just mad kill his own mother n then kill innocent little child

Michael Moon@Highqualitydirt you don't have to meet him, same as Hitler. He'd as killed as many has Hitler if he could've I'd say.

Naya@Highqualitydirt if he was a nice guy who under psychological stress then he shouldn't went to therapy or something he didn't have to kill innocent kids and teachers cuz I'm 100% sure that they weren't the ones who caused him stress and even if they did he didn't have to murder them there is no reasonable explanation for murder unless it was self defense but it wasn't self defense he went to that school and took the lives if many young students and teachers for no reason so your whole point here is wrong

Naya@AI13 should've**

I love you HiddlestonHe could have been very smart, actually, just out of control, which is true.