What's your main thing you like in a girl ?

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44 votes


coolstorybro guys shouldn't judge a girl on just how she looks!

cannibalunicornno not all, but it definitely should be a factor.

coolstorybro @cannibalunicorn I guess

Highqualitydirti dont care what she looks like, if she is stupid i wont touch her

cannibalunicorn@Highqualitydirt alright go date some ugly girl and let us know how that works out. You guys need to stop trying to say the "right thing" and say the truth. Looks really do matter. With that said as long as they have good hygiene, dress well and what not, they'll be fine. This is the main thing you like in a girl. If not send me a picture of you're gf who missing teeth and is ugly. But I do agree with you dumb girls aren't attractive, same as really intelligent girls to. But looks/ hygiene is the most important. If you're teeth smell and are yellow because you haven't brushed in days I'm getting away.

Highqualitydirt@cannibalunicorn, what i meant was that even if she was beautiful i wouldn't touch her if she was stupid as i find them incredibly annoying, and my girlfriend is not ugly and missing teeth


cannibalunicorn@Highqualitydirt oh ok my bad then and I agree with what you said . And no I wasn't saying that your girlfriend was like that, I was just saying that we should all be honest and admit looks/hygiene is the most important thing in a girl. I'd rather talk to an annoying pretty girl with bad hygiene than one with yellow teeth, has never combed her hair, has dirt all over her clothes, smells bad etc.

Highqualitydirt@cannibalunicorn, i agree with you there

cannibalunicornthan one with*

coolstorybro @Pier hey?

coolstorybro @cannibalunicorn I see where your going with this. But there's always going to be someone prettier than than person. So what if there not that hot or cute .? It matters what's on the inside. And how they treat the other person. And how would you feel if you had a lot of feeling for a person and they didnt date you because you were ugly but on had a good personality and everything , but being ugly was the only reason.

coolstorybro @Highqualitydirt I have no clue what your talking about.? What do you mean lol

cannibalunicorn@coolstorybro lol you are over thinking what I said. All I'm saying is that the most important thing in a relationship is looks, but that's just general as long as you're attracted to them whether their a 6 or a 7. You can't have a successful relationship with someone who doesn't brush their teeth. That's nasty and you won't ever kiss etc. you don't need the most attractive person out there, just one that your attracted to... Idk if that makes to much sense but yea

coolstorybro @cannibalunicornz oh I think I actually get it now. I see!

cannibalunicornand what's on the inside is what friends are for! But no I agree with you. Oh yea and just so you know that probably is going to happen to me with the girl I like in a few months so yea... I won't like it, but well just continue are friendship and ill move on to someone who is attracted to me. Not that big of a deal, we all have our preferences.


coolstorybro @cannibalunicorn yeah you gotta Instagram?

cannibalunicorn@coolstorybro no I don't sorry :,( may I ask why though?

coolstorybro @cannibalunicorn it's okay. N I was just wondering bc I have one!

cannibalunicornLol no offense but if I did have one I wouldn't give it out to some random person. There's a lot of creeps online but again no offense lol I'm just not into sites like that

coolstorybro @cannibalunicorn okay