All you Pewdiepie fans, True?

34 votes

Lol! Yes!!!
68 votes

What is a pewdiepie? Me:😱😧😧
63 votes


♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔No. Not a big fan.

Lonesomeghosts@🔥ᖴi̾ᖇe̾-ᑫu̾EEn̾🔥 WHATS WRONG WITH YOU HES QUEEN


Lonesomeghostshe's my beeeest friend

AwesomepawsomepenguinI watched him once...

♔✧ⓈⓉⓎⓁⒺ✧♔@💙NerdyKitty💙 other people have opinions.

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@💙NerdyKitty💙 HES NOT GAY.... HES FABULOUS

Lonesomeghosts@👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑 it's not called being gay.....ITS BEING FABULOUS

Lonesomeghosts@⭐️ɛŋƈɧąŋɬɛɖ-ʂɬ✰ཞʂ™⭐️ hahaha I know I'm joking

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@💙NerdyKitty💙 Lol

YankeesesI don't know who he is

👑Princess_Pewdiepie👑@fanboy 😱