I play... (would like to play)

26 votes

129 votes

57 votes

68 votes


amberi sing and play guitar 🎸

Screamin' Lord ByronCool! I play bass myself.

amber@Screamin' Lord Byron I don't play bass that was just a pic lol I play 6 string acoustic

Screamin' Lord ByronWhat type of music do you like to play?

Allison Hope Perryif I didn't have school I would live to play drums

BabyStarbucks🌸I would like to play the microphone :)

anistenI would like to play the microphone but,I'm shy so I have to think about it but,if I wasn't shy totally pick the microphone 😉

MYTgirl115🎤👯🎭@anisten- I'm sure you would be great if you got over your fear. I used to be shy to but it wore off and now I'm getting lead roles in my schools musicals.

MYTgirl115🎤👯🎭so I hope the same can happen for you

charlieI play guitar, piano, violin and drums

MicKenziei play violin, cello, electric/ acoustic guitar, bass guitar, drums, and I sing a little

Big BrienI sing, play bass and electric guitar AND classical acoustic guitar. So there.

Cutie3.NotInUse.I play Cello, percussion and piano. I have learnt Violin and Guitar.