Idk what to do I really like this guy and I don't know what to do because we r besties and I don't wanna ruin tht.

25 votes

I don't care
14 votes


SillyWonderwell if you are friends it makes it that much easier to tell him.

jayai agree with sillywonder if he is your friend then u should tell him but if he is your best then he will understand and I don't think it will ruin anything

^.^@jaya yes that happens to me once just tell him and if he's rude about it he's not right for you

Briereally really really get to know him. Make sure he is perfect then date him and hope it goes on for while, but make sure u r sure that it will be more then just a couple months

Sakanaru@Sunshine Why did you touch up your eye for?

Cutegirl#1you should tell him how u feel and get it out and if he doesn't like you u tried ur best but if he likes u GIRL U FOUND URSELF A NEW BOTFRIEND



Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxif you are friends with him go ahead but if he doesent realy talk to u its gonna make it awkward