Do you see it?

41 votes

What am I looking at?
30 votes

YES!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ too funny!
451 votes

74 votes


Tnw2003Kitty! So vpcute!

Tnw2003cute sorry! Not vpcute

iwuvturtles13245lol I got it πŸ‘Œ

Kaile_combsthat is so cute!

iwuvturtles13245Ikr!!! I wish I had a golden retriever, they are so sweet! And fuzzy!

Kaile_combsI've got a black lab...and a black cat..when they cuddle like that, it is so cute!

iwuvturtles13245Dude. U have a cat and a dog? I WISH ! I have two dogs... One of their pics in in my questions SHE IS SOOO FUZZY!!! Does ur cat ever get lost in UR dogs fur? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Kaile_combsTehy both are solid black! I mean you think seeing that at is hard...try seeing mine in the dark!

iwuvturtles13245lol one of my dogs is black and she used to be really small, we used to always loose her , and find her in my dads shoes

Kaile_combsLol my dogs couldn't do cat

iwuvturtles13245awwww cute! I hate when my dogs do something bad, and then they try to get out of it by doing "puppy dog faces"

Kaile_combsAh yes. The's cute...but I've grown immune over the years...I don't stay mad as long, but they still get scolded.

iwuvturtles13245I can't deal with the faces. It's like an overload of CUTENESS. When I punish them I feel so bad but I HAVE TO STAY STRONG

Kaile_combsyes, it's hard...but they do know better than to Do some stuff...but if you can get past the face, you can get past anything.

iwuvturtles13245 TRU CHIZ. U should be a therapist....

Kaile_combswell, I do like giving advice.

Kaile_combsand I try to do my best in it...i helped a lot of people on here who were in distress, weather from bullies, or relationship problems, or themselves.

iwuvturtles13245YOWZA are u like a college student genius?

Kaile_combsNope...senior in highschool. Don't even know my IQ yet.

iwuvturtles13245WOWZERS . No wonder u use complete sentences, and words *cough cough* genius

Kaile_combswanna be friends?

iwuvturtles13245Sure dude

Kaile_combsYAY!!! NEW FRIEND!!! Lol

iwuvturtles13245*laughs so hard that she starts coughing* Ur caps lock is serious dudeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Kaile_combssorry...I get excited to make new friends.

iwuvturtles13245So do I lol and I get excited when I eat chocolate.... YUMMY

Kaile_combswell your gonna love this then! (Kaile gives iwuvturtles some 🍫)

iwuvturtles13245OH.MI.GAWSH. CHOCOLATE!!!!! Yummy yummy yummy yummy *eats all the chocolate and has a sugar rush*

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxhaha there's a kitten

😘Sara😘that's so funny

SimranπŸ’πŸ’ŸπŸ’“πŸ‘›πŸ’•lol so cute