How many adults in the world will die of smoking-related illness, according to the WHO?

1 in 50
39 votes

1 in 30
22 votes

1 in 10
24 votes

1 in 20
9 votes


AThe correct answer is 1 in 10.

Ethansmoking is good for you😃

A@TouristEthan. 👍. I know this all might seem obvs, but there's a lot of denial out there, and people don't realize what an epidemic it is... Unfortunately there's not really a way to grasp what addiction feels like until you're caught in it....

Sakanaru@TouristEthan 😂😂

GeekyFoxThat's screwed up


MYsoul-isblack-without-ulol I see what you did.

MYsoul-isblack-without-uI use to smoke. Worst decision of my life. Wish I hadn't. I don't smoke anymore, it was very easy to quit actually. I wasn't left wanting more.