Am I pretty?❤️

36 votes

40 votes

81 votes

I'm a girl😕
104 votes


LoveNeverFadesYour pretty but I'm a girl

Cierrayour not pretty your beautiful your goals like stop being so beautiful like I'm so ugly then there's you who's like just beautiful

MyVeilisPiercedI think it's stupid how some girls are like "I'm a girl,." Ok great so what's your fuckin opinion

💀EMILY💀{AOF}ikr but everyone complains where's that button so anyway @myveilspierced @cierra @epabon thx

MYsoul-isblack-without-uI think you're beautiful!

MYsoul-isblack-without-uand you have blue eyes! you are beautiful as hell.

💀EMILY💀{AOF}@😶😶 thank you so much

GeekyFox@bvb_4_eva_0811 you should model tots

💀EMILY💀{AOF}ok then thx

enaka24The 15% who said no…no just…just no

💀EMILY💀{AOF}thx @enaka24

GeekyFox@bvb_4_eva_0811 *whispers* kill kill KILL

💀EMILY💀{AOF}@GeekyFox wtf