What Movies better?

53 votes

Other (comment)
26 votes

The Hunger Games
77 votes

Mean Girls
69 votes


GeekyFoxThe one without nic cage

Aubreyhe's not on niether of them @GeekyFox

GeekyFoxI know

GeekyFoxJust in general

Aubreyoh @GeekyFox

LoveNeverFadesI love mean girls

AceThe Duff and 22 Jump Street also, Pitch Perfect

AlexMean girls is pretty cool

GeekyFoxAny movie is good, but bill and teds excellent adventures takes the cake! Sry

ElliannaHarry Potter

SYDNEYqueenAny movie with Leonardo dicaprio or Melissa McCarthy

Suzan The falt in the stars

brianna8 'mile

SpychickHarry Potter Percy Jackson and the lord of the rings

Not Your Average CalvinThe Children of the Corn