What color is it?

Gold and blue
15 votes

8 votes

Gold and white
33 votes

Blue and black
77 votes


LoveNeverFadesIt's gold and white

IwamiIt changed!!!

Bubble_223 it's gold and blue I don't see blue and black

💀EMILY💀{AOF}it's fucking gold and white how do people see blue and black it's just omg😒

🍫DEATH_BY_CHOCOLATE🍫@Bubble_223 same with me!

🍫DEATH_BY_CHOCOLATE🍫@bvb_4_eva_0811 it's called fucking mind tricks! EVERYONE sees It DIFFERENTLY. Just cuz u see it gold and white doesn't everyone sees It that way. U know what impression ur giving to the world? That you are a selfish bitch

🍫DEATH_BY_CHOCOLATE🍫@bvb_4_eva_0811 selfish bcuz u only think that what u know to be true is true. Sorry boo, but not everything that u think in life is right.

🍫DEATH_BY_CHOCOLATE🍫@bvb_4_eva_0811 ps PWNED by a 11 year old

💀EMILY💀{AOF}@Annasaurus fuck you bitch I didn't say that I was right but I just said I don't know how people can see that dress black so fuck off your the selfish bitch here!

MyChemicalRomance10@🍫DEATH_BY_CHOCOLATE🍫 that's rude of you to say

LoveNeverFadesActually science have figure out the cloth it was made by with out extra UV rays they say it's light blue and gold-ish I think idk for sure

AzariahGold and white