Does it annoy you when you say to comment and people don't?

Why do I care😑
110 votes

Comment to leave opinion 😄
16 votes

Sort of😕
42 votes

Heck yessss😡
94 votes


$UicideLynxlazy peeps say they comment and click the the button that says to comment then u check and there's no comments

💀EMILY💀{AOF}yeah that's annoying

🍫DEATH_BY_CHOCOLATE🍫Ikr... I feel unwanted and stupid.

AngelluvThanks guys you share my pain lol feel free 2 chat on here or snapchat if u got it angelangel2002 :)

GeekyFox@Angelluv yea it sux I feel effortless

Angelluv@geekyfox I have the same thought in a different context. Why make the effort to ask people to comment when they don't even bother. And to all commenters to this question, you guys are dazzletastic <3 :)

GeekyFox@Angelluv ok thx


Charleeit gets really annoying

Dancegal136It does get very annoying

MYsoul-isblack-without-uNo cause it's their choice to not comment.