I'm really stressed any help

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love songI don't have much knowledge on this but just try surrounding yourself with things your happy about and that calm you down and just relax for a moment

Emily🌹💎❤️ Listen to your favorite song

Karena Czzowitzthx guys but I'm trying that and it works until I go back to school ... Yea

Emily🌹💎❤️Oh... Ok

love songOh Ya school definitely doesn't help especially with more advanced classes like what I have

Karena Czzowitz@love song well it's not the classes it's one of my friends

Emily🌹💎❤️@Karena Czzowitz what does your friend do?

love songoh well I've never been stressed with my friends so I really have no knowledge on it

Karena Czzowitzwell she is a girl I meant at the beginning of the year and she had three other friends and I'm really good friends with all of them and now she is like not letting me in on all her inside jokes because I don't know them and I don't want to be friends with her but I don't want to lose my other friends who are really good friends

Emily🌹💎❤️@Karena Czzowitz oooh sorry for u you should probably stay away from that girl

Karena CzzowitzBut my other friends hang out with her so I would have to stay away from some of my friends

Emily🌹💎❤️Oh maybe find time where your other friends aren't with her

Karena CzzowitzI'll try thx guys


D_Lannnjust try to relax. Giv some time to yourself. Do wat U like to do by yourself somewhere where U know nobody will bother U. The best thing to do to relieve stress tho is LAFF UR ASS OFF!!

D_Lannnit really helps cuZ u forget all the stress U relax. U just won't be able to breath. Hang out wit some friends. Just so something that U know wouldn't make U feel stressed

CharleeThink about a cute boy or gril

CharleeGirl is what I meant not gril

Aleishawhat is wrong? Will you tell me? Please?

AleishaI would maybe try writing, singing, talking, and if it was me I would run around my farm. Oh and EAT food. It usually always helps

Aleisha@Karena Czzowitz I have that same problem😱😪😞😒 I somewhat know how you feel

Karena Czzowitz@Aleisha thx and it's ok now I'm good me and my friends are ok now but thx anyway

LoveNeverFadesRelax let leave it all don't Care bout any thing and annoy some one

MollyTake a long warm bath and watch your fave movie

sunshinepaint you nails

Karena CzzowitzThx everyone