What's your favorite book?

71 votes

39 votes


GraceHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows :)

marell Andrew The picture of Dorian grey (by Oscar Wilde)

Hey muggles Harry potter and hunger games

BrynnMatched, and The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane.

SapphireThe Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

Julia All of the Harry potter books

CarolGame of thrones

Meatball453hunger games

ShelbyHARRY POTTER. And I enjoyed the mortal instruments, hunger games, and Alice in Wonderland. And Of course the bible. (:

JaxonAwakened(the vamp chronicles)

Jo The fault in our stars and Gallagher girls

Abby The good dream

FiestyLaxerThe book thief

RashmiHarry potter

:.Brianna::M.:The hunger games , divergent series , or the help

Kelly Lloyd Harry potter

bleachcatthe theif lord

crazahunicornPeculiar Children and I'm reading Little Women right now, and I love it so far :D

AndreaHush Hush!!

Les Miz@Andrea oh gosh, I loved that series.

Les Mizmy favorite at the moment is the mortal instrument series: City of Bones. It's amazing.

Andrea@Owlet🐦(oops that's a pigeon-.-) yeah right? :3 Patch and Jace forever xD

Les Mizabsolutely. They're my favorite 😸

Mahomie4lifePercy Jackson, Harry potter, divergent, hunger games series

boyerchild_12@:.Brianna::M.: divergent, lost hero, art of war

MRS.RAJAT TOKAS@Mahomie4life same here

caro111All harry potter books, the fault in our stars and some german and swiss books...:D <3

ABSOLUTELY NOStar, Cosmopolitan, & Redbook magazines. J/k, I love " If I did it, this is how it happened."

KatHunger Games

Hestia111Impossible to pick just one.. Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, Divergent, Insurgent, Percy Jackson series, Mortal Instruments series, Infernal Devices series, Ranger's Apprentice series, The Fault In Our Stars, Silver Linings Playbook, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower...

sasdivergent mortal instruments Infernal devices Bayern series(goose girl,Enna burning...)

zoink1214idk I have A LOT that I like

familiar1Divergent, Mortal Instruments, infernal devices and the hobbit

Kturner_6Austin mahone life and si-cology

Erikawaiting by carol lynch Williams This lullaby by Sarah dessen

EiraHeroes of Olympus!

JuliaDuh, Hunger Games

Maddiedork diaries

Not Your Average CalvinThe Giver, Of Mice and Men or Need series