Why do you like Ariana Grande?

She said her fans should f***ing die
29 votes

She is spoiled and stuck up
18 votes

Her attitude is why the nick shows like Sam and cat were axed!
54 votes

If anyone takes a picture of anything but her left side she breaks the camera
22 votes


😈😱LIZZIE😜😃I know I don't like her ether

aspynF*** u

D_LannnI like her singing and her hair. That's about it for me......

kittiekatminnieu should have said what do u hate about ariana

BayI agree with Aspyn FU

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I don't even like her singing....or her lyrical/video messages....or her dancing.

MYsoul-isblack-without-uCause she's a cute lil whore.

D_Lannn@👑Noatak👑 Dang!!😂

🍫DEATH_BY_CHOCOLATE🍫@aspyn @baybay it's not my fault your favorite singer's is just rude

D_Lannn@🍫DEATH_BY_CHOCOLATE🍫 She is rude and makes ppl carry her around but Atleast she's a good singer and she's pretty.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@LiLD$ looks have nothing to do with talent and music. At least, it doesn't make their music good.

D_Lannn@Sarah Tru tru, I understand where UR coming from. She is an awesome singer tho! Supposedly she could become the next Mariah Carey. Now nobody will ever be as good as Mariah but ariana is gettin there!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@LiLD$ I do not like her music or lyrical messages in the least. You're entitled to your opinion, though. 😊

EthanBecause she fucking hot



Sarah(FAM/PMS)Why 😶?

D_Lannn@Sarah Lol!😂

moonmariei love her bc shes so nice! (:

Ethan@moonmarie that's not what I've heard

moonmariei know but thats media shes really a nice person if you ever cared to look

MYsoul-isblack-without-u@moonmarie No she ain't. You're fucking stupid. She sucks "niggercock". girls that suck "niggercock" are never nice.

Ethan@OMGImAHipsterplzkillme that's not exactly what I meant

MYsoul-isblack-without-u@Ethan Lol what did you mean than?

PeyyyU guys don't know her. She has never done any of this

💭Glader💭FPS🎀|SES🐯Why do you ask this kinda stuff on the arianators crowd if you know people her ❤️ Ariana??

SerpentineI kinda like her songs b not really her.

.I just do