Ok yall, ask me a question and I'll answer it even how embarrassing!!😄

5 votes

44 votes


LoveNeverFadesR u a Virgin


LoveNeverFadesWhat was ur most embarrassing moment

EthanHow many dicks have you sucked?


🌸😆Jessica😆🌸@Ethan I am not answering that question... That's gross

EthanHave you ever had sexual thoughts for your dad?

EthanDo you watch My Little Pony?

LoveNeverFades@Ethan ewww ur so wrong

🌸😆Jessica😆🌸@Ethan omg do something I can answer.. I'm only 12....

Ethan@Mrs.Horan😍 You said you would answer the question even if it is embarrassing😡

JennyOrtiz@Ethan lol

LoveNeverFades@Ethan lol true

Ethan@Mrs.Horan😍 You can't even answer whether you watch My Little Pony or not?

D_Lannn@Ethan Lol wtf is GOIN on in dis. And yes I do watch my little pony but only when I'm vote and feel like being a lil kid!

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Ethan 😂 lol

Sarah(FAM/PMS)@Mrs.Horan😍 who is Mr. Horan???

🌸😆Jessica😆🌸@Sarah Niall Horan😘

Kaile_combsok...How do you help someone who thinks the whole world hates them?

Kaile_combshow do you make them know they are loved and wanted?

🌸😆Jessica😆🌸@Kalie_combs great question! I'll answer it. Look at my new question in a min.

Kaile_combs@Mrs.Horan😍 thank you.

🌸😆Jessica😆🌸@Kalie_Combs done.

Kaile_combs@Mrs.Horan😍 i voted and commented,

Emily brown@Ethan your mind is so mentally wrong I no longer wonder why people leave hey crowd

🌸😆Jessica😆🌸@Emily Brown lol.

Jossibernal hAve you popped in the lake


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