If you had someone who liked you in school and you didn't like that person what would you do??

Be mean to that person
3 votes

Act like you are not that persons friend
13 votes

Engore that person
47 votes

31 votes


JennyOrtizI had someone like that

I❤️SILLYFACESReally me to

SophiaortizThat's happened to me Several times before and tell them that you only like them as a friend and I you don't then just tell them you don't like them

ariannajust straight out tell them hey Ik u like me but I am sorry to say but I don't like u so bye and leave me tf alone

Emily brownThat's going on right now and Idk what to do like I despise this person and he flirts with me ppl say he does and it's weird

cntrysweetheartJust tell them the straight up truth like " I don't like you the way you like me I only like you as a friend and nothing g more sorry to hurt you and everything but I don't like you that way "

kayakattthat's happening to me rn actually haha just act like they never even told u or u don't know he likes u and that seems to get the message across

LoveNeverFadesTruth and ignor

I❤️SILLYFACESI would say I like u as my friend but your just not my type being my BOYFRIEND. We not make a perfect match