Did you ever create a celebrity with the sims 1/2/3 ?

Yes (comment who you made)
15 votes

42 votes


pdubzCharlie Sheen... BWA ha ha ha!

SoDevilish@pdubz hahaha he's so funny!!

Sasuke UchihaJustin Bieber. For kill her!

SoDevilish@The grudge hahaha let me join you!

Ashley _ Jade _ Courtney _ Sara no but I want too I might try to make Kelly Clarkson or Lucy Hale

Xx_That_fucker_who_loves_MCR_xXI made Gerard Way. Teehee I did bad things to him in the game *Frank Iero rape face* oh how much I love the real Gerard Way and Frank Iero *fangirly sigh* 😍....