When I get a Slurpee I...

Get one flavor
465 votes

Mix flavors together
831 votes


💟Nae 💟Naemms now I want one

Maggie L.@💟Nae 💟Nae me to lol

Carly mahone@💟Nae 💟Nae Ikr

briannaI'm having one rite now

SwerveNaani14i want the blue one now, I always get the blue one

Maggie L.@Naan0814 me too

Lexi :) Lemon lime is my fav kind

CocoMmmmmmmm I want one right now mmmmmm !!!:;))))

Fashionista#1 👗👠👢💅👛👙Mix flavors.

emmacherry and blue rassberry
