Everybody Please STOP bullying I am new here and I'm sorry I'm not perfect please accept me!!!! 😭

94 votes

I'm sorry
10 votes

I will
15 votes


SWho was bullying you?

LoveNeverFadesIkr people no body's perfect so u can't say crap about anything so when your bullying it's like your punishing them for being who they r how r they going to do that i hate bullies


Faithful@#Beats IKR

#Beats@Faithful 💪power of the bully free world💪

ILovePenguins604@JustSmile😊✌️the username was Azariah.

ILovePenguins604I don't know why people at so rude. I got bullied in kindergarten. I moved then. And then at third grade, it started again. I hate it. I don't know what I did. I agree with Epabon12. We are who we are. Don't change just because some girl,Azariah, was being rude.

GirlfromAmsterdamWho said youre not perfect?????????????

😈😱LIZZIE😜😃it's ok

GettoxfabxforeverThanks for all the support guys! A girl named Azariah just wasn't that nice to me. But I don't want to show her this comment or she might get more mad

LoveNeverFades@Gettoxfabxforever it doesn't matter what people think of u as long it's u that likes u and it's not there life tell the girl that also she must have problems at home or she is jealous or she needs help like mental help this world has gone mad

Gettoxfabxforever@Epabon12 yeah she might just be jealous or she might have family issues like her family getting divorced but don't know thanks for the support though

PenPineappleApplePenYeah! Leave her alone!😑

LoveNeverFades@Gettoxfabxforever your welcome tell her to leave u alone tho cuz people have lost common sense

GettoxfabxforeverLol! Ya

diva19088,just say whatever

SamanthaI would never bully you

😘Sara😘me neither I saw that conversation I wanted to say something but I didn't want to butt into the conversation I also would like to say people are always going to judge you through life but you just have I know what they say isn't true!!! :):):):):):)