Who's right? Me or Marie? 😒

You, DUH! She's the one who's not even being calm!
111 votes

Marie is right! You are too young for this app!
45 votes


LoveNeverFadesIt's no ones biz who's on this app and if there 7 or younger chill people

Natalie@Epabon12 agreed

YankeesesHow old is she

Torie🌻🎷Honestly, if she didn't like what you were saying or acting like she should of ignored you or whatever. Her acting like this shows she acts like a baby not you. You have the right to believe everything in the world is okay wether it is or isn't. Ignore her, I'm new to this app so I don't know if you can block her or whatever but if you can then do it.

PenPineappleApplePenI dont even know whats going on

Blondecheerleaders{FPS}I had problems with her too

QueenI had problems with her she is mean

PenPineappleApplePenIts not for 12 yo only shes delusional

QueenWell that's her and let her be like that