If you are in pointe ballet, does it hurt? I'm going on it in a little bit and I'm excited but really scared.

4 votes

It only hurts the first weeks
7 votes

2 votes

I'm not in pointe ballet
5 votes


LouiseI am in ballet for my 8th year, and when I started it hurt for a bit b/c I wasn't flexible enough

Sarah(FAM/PMS)I'm starting pointe ballet this summer, and I am so excited!!!! I'm sure the pain will be worth it!!!

tessma12I've done dance for about 8 years now and I've never done pointe but I want to do it next year!

dancedoll_03I got on pointe when I was only eleven so it hurt. But don't worry you get used to the pain. And it doesn't hurt when your on it that much unless it's like a really long time, it hurts afterwards more. But don't stress 😆