Would you rather

Kiss a snake
28 votes

Eat a live beating heart
0 votes

Get hit by a truck 9 times in a row
6 votes

Have to walk 4 miles before you eat
59 votes


MYsoul-isblack-without-uLmao 4 miles ain't shit. I walk 4 miles daily. So yeah I think I would rather walk 4 miles than do any of that other stuff.

Sarah(FAM/PMS)If I'm really hungry, I'm not gonna wanna have to wait any longer and walk 4 miles. Kissing a snake is not that bad.

LoveNeverFadesI'll walk the 4miles I have before

sweetandsourI'll walk .. If I'm hungry enough

AmazingEliseisNotanalphaGet hit by a truck 9 times in a row cause you never said I died