What's the best thing about summer?

713 votes

294 votes

1277 votes

Getting a Tan
637 votes


Zebra😄if there are any other answers please comment here.If not hope you enjoyed answering this question x

Hayley Williamsgetting off school lol ;D

Jazzie Beach especially as I live walking distance from an amazing one!

fredwhy did u put boys what if you are a boy

Nena StylesBOYZZ!!!!!!! Eeeee

Josiemp@Zebra😄 thats nice of you to say

H❤RRY 4 Eva Seriously peeps!!!!!!!

Emily*beach and getting a tan 🌅

that_brown_eyedgirl29Beach getting a tan and boys but you can see them in school too

🎸Jade@Hayley Williams Hayley Williams is mother fuckin awesome!

YouAreLOVED<3The boys , the beach

Max Girls

Tegan😘Getting a tan and the beach and sun and more than anything! Boys!!! :D xx

Emmaaa.❤️How about no SCHOOL !!! SLEEPING IN !!

Ffiboys with tops off